Let’s be honest, us humans are avowed hedonists. We like nice things and want to consume them. In large quantities. Blanchflower was born to feed this pleasure. To a degree.

Now we’re not going to be getting on a soap-box about this but the politics of food and the marketing messages sent out by the pedlars of “health” on a plate seems such a sad response when faced by deliciousness and nice times. We have buy accutane acne sympathy for their stance when faced with the actions of the super-sizers and the supermarkets where you can buy stacks of ready-meals but can’t even track down a humble cabbage.

People often say, “life’s too short” and it is not to enjoy delicious, simple, natural food. So our stance is one of moderation – a middle-ground held for centuries and we are here to defend it. Which is why we’ve put our stance up in lights. Literally.

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